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A Comedy Web Series
Season One available now in the episodes tab above!
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Noah Ross has had much to deal with while struggling to find himself within a sea of white people. With his problematic friends, a mysterious classmate who wants to get to know him better, and an environment that can’t get his name correct, nothing has been easy for him. After choosing to go to this school versus a Historically Black College, the question “have you lost your blackness? arises adding even more confusion inside Noah’s already chaotic mind. While facing microaggressions, racism, classism, and his own contributions to the issues other people of color face on campus, Noah turns his attention to the camera directly to share his inner thoughts and feelings in a world that often silences him. His journey poses the questions, “who am I, how do others see me, and how do I see myself?”

Inspired by his own experiences, as well as the experiences of his friends, Nolan Robinson's "Where's Noah?" is a hilarious, important, and timely piece of work for all. 

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